The Street Pole Banner Bracket (PSP18,PSP24, PSP30, and PSP36) have 1 set of hardware for displaying a single graphicon either side of a pole. That is- 1 set of bases and 1 set of rods.
In comparison, the Street Pole Banner Bracket– DOUBLE SET ( PSP18D, PSP24D, PSP30D, PSP36D) comes with 2 sets of‘single’ banner bracket hardware that allow for displaying up to 2 graphics at atime. That is- 2 sets of bases and 2 sets of rods. Notice in the pictureprovided that the bases used for holding the graphics to the vertical pole areable to be installed on either side and face outward, toward your graphic. Thisseparation of 2 single bracket hardware allows you to hang your graphicsinterchangeably by displaying either a single graphic or two graphics at once.
The Street Pole Banner Bracket – DOUBLE SIDED(PDS18, PDS24) is significantly different because it has 1 set of hardware fordisplaying two graphics at all times. That is- the rods for displaying the twographics are connected to create one continuous rod. In addition, the base thatholds the poles to the vertical surface is designed to face the front of thelight pole. The different base allows the continuous rod to extend to each sideof the pole or display surface. These hardware specifications mean that thebracket is designed to display two graphics at all times, and is notinterchangeable like the “double set” mentioned above.
Please note that allpole banner hardware has compatible graphic options. Your graphics will be doublesided (front and back display) and printed on Matte 13 mil Scrim Vinyl.Graphics may also be ordered separate from hardware anytime.